Welcome to my world

Sophie and I January 2012

Sophie and I January 2012

One in a Million Kid.  That’s my Sophie.  Long before the name was popular, Sophia was a unique name that fit my daughter in a million different ways.

My Sophia was named after her maternal great grandmother, a woman that to me was “one in a million” herself.  My family entered the world of special needs on December 28, 1993.  Little did I know the impact this infant would have on myself and the people she touches, the village that has helped me to raise her.  Now a young adult, we recognize the miracle that she is, and the hard work that got us here today.  Not an easy life, but one we have fought to hold onto and to rejoice in the accomplishments.  The small moments that you look back on and realize are the big moments. The big moments that don’t always work out like you imagined they would.

You can follow our adventures by exploring the Blog or click the various links to find more information.

I hope that you enjoy, or learn something new each time you visit our site.  Please leave a comment if you wish, or let me know what has touched you.

11 thoughts on “Welcome to my world

  1. Best of luck you, Jody, as you reach others with your inspiration and hard won knowledge from years in the trenches of motherhood with the awesomeness that is Sophie!

  2. Hi I im a mom of a son with the same condition as your daughter we find out that my son have HSAN2 in 2012 We live in Chicago and I understand on what your go thru every day. My son is 15 yrs old and don’t feel pain had broken bones in his toes,hands and now a fracture knee and tear . Glad to know someone that knows about this

    • Claudia! Please consider getting in touch with the FB group Gift of Pain- it is a private group and you have to be approved to get in. Interested in how your son was diagnosed and that you are so close to us in Chicago!

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